How an Italian installer implemented Ajax detectors in a new way
📍 Ajax security system, professional installer and desperate situation: how an Italian installer implemented Ajax detectors in a new way and helped nursing homes staff practice social distancing.
During the quarantine, GAVILLI s.n.c. who is a professional installer shared his story of using Ajax detectors not as intended, but for the greater good. Here’s how it was.
🔸 Residents could call their doctors for help in two ways:
Using DoorProtect: a resident pulls the cord attached to the detector imitating the door opening. HomeSiren raises an alarm. The care worker who arrives disarms the object via the app and provides aid.
Using SpaceControl: a resident uses the keyfob instead of the cord.
Totally, such system was installed in 3 nursing homes. If an isolated person needed help, they would simply need to pull the cord or press the button on SpaceControl. The care staff could see in the app in which room the alarm was raised. HomeSiren drew additional attention to the call.
This system helped to keep other people in the house safe.
🔸 What benefit nursing homes got from this:
Ajax helped isolated patients to contact workers for help and let physicians to respond quickly to urgent requests.
The key point was also the fact that Ajax alarm keeps working even in case of a power outage or if there’s no Ethernet connection.
☝️Each of the 3 nursing homes was equipped with the following set of devices:
1x Hub
2x HomeSiren
3x DoorProtect with connected cords
1x SpaceControl
Ajax app was installed on the care staff's devices as well.
Ajax as a manufacturer of smart security systems that protect people’s lives and property, we are extremely proud and pleased to see that Ajax helps overcoming medical challenges during the pandemic.